Sunday, August 14, 2005

Fall is coming

One morning last week, I opened our front door and as soon as I stepped out of it I knew something had changed. The air was fresh in a way that was hard to describe, yet very familiar.

I encountered the same sensations again, but in the evening, at the end of sailing class. The sun was not lingering like it had, and the evening breeze was a little more chill than before.

Then this morning I looked out our kitchen window and saw the first leaves on the maples across the way had turned red.

Autumn is on its way.

Maple Flame - as seen from our kitchen windows
Originally uploaded by Allan & Cheryl

1 comment:

Jo said...

I'm so jealous. We don't get real seasons here. :( I miss the crisp fresh smell in the air in the fall and spring. Here all you smell is humidity. LOL.

You're going to take lots of pictures of the trees for me right? ;)