Saturday, February 25, 2006

I did it, I did it, oh yeah, yeah, yeah!

I did the 4 mile Walk Away the Pounds Express DVD!!! So we spent 30 minutes outside with the kids this afternoon and then I spent 60 minutes working out on Saturday night.. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. Between the walk, Leslie Sansone's perky chatter and the Dora the Explorer songs stuck in my head - I'm feeling pretty good.

This was my first time through the 4 mile walk (60 min) but I have had her "2 Mile Walk" VHS video for 4 years. It went home with my sister after our kids messed up our VCR last month and I figured it was time to get some new videos.

I like the Walk Away the Pounds videos because they are made for people who are un-co-ordinated. There's no tricky aerobics or dance moves. However, if you are just new to the fitness, it's probably better to start with the 1, 2, or 3 mile walk before jumping into the 4 mile one. The moves are more complicated than in the 2 mile walk video, but since I had the other one pretty much memorized, that actually was a good thing.

4 miles wasn't NEARLY as hard as I thought it would be! Not much longer or much harder than doing 2 miles pushing 3 children in the stroller with buggy board. It's a great option to have. Now I'm going to go see what is on TV - totally guilt free. Or maybe even go out and rent a movie. I think I've earned some couch time.

I did it, I did it - oh yeah, yeah, yeah!"


Sunny said...

What with the round trip to school on foot, pushing a stroller, three times a day, I douubt you'll be lacking for exercise. I'm guessing the word "buff" will be appropriate.

Jo said...

Keep up the good work "Dora". lol. You do know I now have that song in my head right? I'll curse you for that one. :p

SBH said...

Woo Hoo! Good for you!