Sunday, October 16, 2005

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

We watched it last night after the kids were in bed. I don't know when I've laughed so much! It was hysterical - I hope they do more of them. I'm sure Allan will be along shortly to write a well-thought out fan reveiw. But in the meantime I'm glad we actually BOUGHT the dvd from "pre-viewed" bin for only a couple dollars more than renting it. We'll definitely be watching it again. I'm now inspired to re-read the books - it's been about 10 years since I've read the series.


Mama Bird said...

Note to self: "must remember to read these books and/or watch DVD..."

Sunny said...

Me too-what mama bird said-in fact one more-"go on line now and see if they have it at the library".

Gail at Large said... got smart a while back and prevented hotlinking.

David and I wrote reviews for the film, but I think we got pics from different sources (he hotlinked and I didn't, or vice versa).