Saturday, July 30, 2005

Peak experience

Peak experience
Originally uploaded by Allan & Cheryl.

Climbed Mt Seymour to 2nd peak with the M's today. M1 and M2 are just floating to have made it up so far!

Probably could have made it all the way to 3rd peak if we hadn't had a very long down and then back up - detour following the wrong trail in the beginning.

A sign post!
Originally uploaded by Allan & Cheryl.

VERY proud of M's - M1 and M2 made the climb up and down on their own. Maddy was under her own steam and only needed help being lifted up and down big rock "steps".

Quote of the day: Maddy, after rounding a corner to see Peaks 1 and 2 looming ahead, "We NOT going dere!?"

M1 and M2, "YES - we are going to climb all the way up there!!!!"

Maddy, "No. I not. Please. No, NO NO - not dere - not up dere!"

BUT she did it and back down too! We got SO many positive comments from other hikers who saw our crew going up and down.

At a view point
Originally uploaded by Allan & Cheryl.

The twins for their part were HAPPY to be on the walk - they put up with going from bed to van to backpacks with practically no fussing and complaining.

The kids enjoyed post-trip popsicles at the end of the day. Favourite part of the day for the M's?

Melissa - Being up on the "viewpoint" and getting to see EVERYTHING and the really great view.

Michael - Climbing ALL the way up a big mountain!

Maddy - Eating my popsicle.

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