Tuesday, May 31, 2005

A Correction / Retraction and Thank-you!

Zounds! I have blundered and given credit where it was not due. The Slip'n'Slide which was previously mentioned was NOT from Attie Gail. It was in fact a gift to the children from AviatorDave. The kids loved it, but unfortunately Sunday was the last day we had with some warm sunshine in which to play with the new toy.

The kids also received a jar o' toys for making bubbles - but they have not yet been turned loose with these.

The next project for ye munchkins is to create, in their own inimitable style, thank-you cards for our reluctant squadron commander.

Butterfly, marker on photocopy stock - by Melissa, age 5
Originally uploaded by Syntaxerror

As to why Gail's betrothed was here - it was to celebrate his birthday along with yours truly. We were both born on May 30. He in '67 and me in '71. We had a great time and I must say I appreciate very much the kind gift of a cordless screwdriver from Dave! It was completely unexpected. We were just glad to have Gumpa, Gail, Dave, and a last minute surprise guest - Alvin, all here at the same time.

1 comment:

David said...

Oh, no worries, and you're welcome. I had a great time seeing you all again, and playing with the Ms!